【学术报告】Some reflections on interfacial heterogeneity

发布日期:2017-12-13     浏览次数:次   
                学 术 讲 座

题   目: Some reflections on interfacial heterogeneity
讲座人: Prof. Juan M. Feliu
             University of Alicante (Spain)

时   间: 2017年12月13日(周三)15:00-16:30

地   点: 卢嘉锡楼202报告厅



Juan M. Feliu, Ph. D. (1978) by the University of Barcelona (Spain). Professor of Physical Chemistry (1993) at the University of Alicante (Spain).

Research interest deals with the establishment of relationships between surface structure and composition of metallic electrodes and its electrochemical reactivity, within the framework of Surface Electrochemistry and Electrocatalysis. Both aspects are believed to be strongly interconnected, because interfacial properties govern reactivity. To achieve this purpose, single crystal electrodes are prepared and routinely used. The interfacial properties are characterized by using different structure sensitive probes. Determination of interfacial properties and surface stability of well-defined substrates is a key step in this investigation. This methodology has been extended to rationalize the polycrystalline metal/solution interface, including nanoparticles. Surface composition is modified by adsorption of foreign adatoms in a controlled way. The electrocatalytic reactions under scope are those clearly related with the previous, more fundamental approach, and are focused to the surface effects in the kinetics of oxidation/reduction of molecular surface probes, oxidation of potential fuels and small nitrogen-containing molecules, as well as the reduction of oxygen and other green chemistry related species.
In relation to these subjects, more than 450 contributions have been published with more than 12,000 citations (h-index 63).

Adviser of 19 Ph. D. Theses.
Director of the Institute of Electrochemistry (2003-2012).
Chairman (1999-2002) of ISE’s Division 1 (Interfacial Electrochemistry).
ISE President (2005-2006).
Titular Member and Secretary of the Commission I.3 (Electrochemistry) of IUPAC (2000-2001).
IUPAC (2002) and ISE (2010) Fellow. FRSC (2017).
Editor of the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (2003-June 2015).
Editor-in Chief of the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (July 2015-).
BKC Visiting Professor 2013.
FY2017 JSPS Fellowship.
Visiting Professor, Xiamen University (2017-)
CIDETEC Prize for the Trajectory in Electrochemistry 2006.
Brian Conway Prize of Physical Electrochemistry 2008.
Charles N. Reilley Award of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2017.


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