(时间调整)Recent Advances in Fused-Ring Metallabenzenes

发布日期:2017-06-24     浏览次数:次   
            学 术 讲 座

题    目: Recent Advances in Fused-Ring Metallabenzenes

讲座人: Prof. Leonard James Wright
              Professor of Chemistry
              University of Auckland

时   间: 06月24日(周六)下午15:30-16:30 (时间调整)

地   点: 卢嘉锡楼202报告厅



Name: Leonard James Wright

Academic qualifications

1980, PhD (Chemistry), University of Auckland

1977, MSc(1st Class Hons in Chemistry), University of Auckland

Professional positions held

2015-present  Director of the Centre of Green Chemical Science, UoA

2014-2017     Deputy Head of School of Chemical Sciences

2013-present  Professor of Chemistry, University of Auckland, NZ

1998-2013     Assoc. Professor, University of Auckland, NZ

1991-1998     Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland, NZ

1990-1991     Visiting Professor, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA, USA

1984-1989     Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Auckland, NZ

1981-1983     Postdoctoral Research Fellow Stanford University, Stanford, CA,USA

1980-1981     Research Scientist, DSIR, Wellington, NZ

Research speciality

organometallic chemistry, catalysis, coordination chemistry, macrocyclic chemistry, green chemistry, oxidation chemistry.

Professional distinctions and memberships

2015 Director of the Centre of Green Chemical Science, University of Auckland.

2015 PI of Marsden Grant “Water purification using a green science approach.” 

2013       Appointed Professor of Chemistry, University of Auckland.

2001      TAPPI Environmental Division Best Paper award at the TAPPI International Environmental, Health and Safety

Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, April, 2001.

2001       PI on Marsden Fund Grant (Organometallic and inorganometallic chemistry of ruthenium and osmium).

2000       Society of Pure and Applied Coord. Chem. of Japan Research Award medal

1999       Co-recipient of 1999 US Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award

1998       Admitted as a Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry

1996       The University of Auckland Distinguished Teaching Award

1990       Visiting Professorship, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA, USA

1981      Post-doctoral Fellowship, Stanford University, Stanford CA

1980       L. H. Briggs memorial prize for best doctoral thesis, 1980

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