【学术报告】Surface Regulations on the Heterogeneous Catalysts

发布日期:2017-02-27     浏览次数:次   

                 学  术  讲  座

题    目: Surface Regulations on the Heterogeneous Catalysts

讲座人: 瞿永泉教授

时    间: 2月27日(周一)下午14:30-16:00

地    点: 卢嘉锡楼202报告厅


Catalytic activity of heterogeneous catalysts is determined by their surface properties. Controllable surface engineering has the potentials to improve catalytic activity and chemoselectivity. Herein, cerium oxide is discussed as the demo catalysts for various catalytic reactions. Catalytic activity of CeO2 is strongly depended on their reversible Ce3+/Ce4+ redox cycle and their surface defects.  Among them, porous nanorods of ceria (PN-CeO2), a previously unknown nanostructured form, exhibit a very high concentration of surface defects and extremely large oxygen storage capacity of 900 μmol-O2/g.  Their catalytic activity as the active components, as additives or as the supports for the highly dispersed sub-nanometric metal clusters (Pt, Pd, Au, Ru, Ir, et.al) is explored for various catalytic reactions including low temperature CO oxidation, photocatalysis, hydrogenation reactions, electrocatalytic water-splitting and biomimetic catalysis. Synthesis of novel transition metal (Cu, Co, Zn et.al.)-based catalysts and their catalytic activity are also included in this talk.


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