The Infrared Free-Electron Laser at the Fritz Haber Institute: A Tool for IR Spectroscopy of Molecules, Clusters, and Solids

发布日期:2016-03-25     浏览次数:次   

                         报告题目:The Infrared Free-Electron Laser at the Fritz Haber Institute: 
          A Tool for IR Spectroscopy of Molecules, Clusters, and Solids
报告人:  Wieland Schöllkopf 教授
          德国Fritz-Haber 研究所
时 间:   3月25日(周五) 上午10:30-11:45
地 点:   卢嘉锡楼报告厅(202)


    At the Fritz Haber Institute (FHI) in Berlin, Germany, we operate a mid-infrared free-electron laser (FEL). The FEL is driven by an electron accelerator providing a final electron energy adjustable from 15 to 50 MeV. Pulsed radiation with up to 100 mJ pulse energy at about 0.5% relative bandwidth is routinely produced in the wavelength range from 3 to 48 μm. We will describe the FEL design and its performance and give an overview of the FHI FEL facility [1].

In addition, we will present selected results recently gained with the FHI FEL in three different fields: (1) spectroscopy of bio-molecules (saccharides, peptides and small proteins) in the gas phase or embedded in superfluid helium nano-droplets at 0.4 K [2]; (2) spectroscopy of mass-selected metal and metal-oxide clusters as well as protonated water clusters in the gas phase [3]; and (3) second-harmonic generation (SHG) spectroscopy of solids and nanostructures [4].

[1] W. Schöllkopf et al., Proc. of SPIE 9512, 95121L (2015),
[2] A. I. González Flórez et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., in press, ttp://
[3] J. A. Fournier et al., PNAS 111, 18132 (2014),
[4] A. Paarmann et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 081101 (2015),


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