学术报告题目:The challenge of LIB cathode material scale-up

发布日期:2015-10-16     浏览次数:次   
报告题目:The challenge of LIB cathode material scale-up
报告人:Prof. Josh Thomas
Ångström Advanced Battery Centre (ÅABC)
Department of Chemistry
Uppsala University,Sweden
时间: 1月21日(周一) 上午10:00
地点: 卢嘉锡楼报告厅(202)

报告题目:Active Targeting of Anticancer Nanoparticles: Promises and Challenges
报告人: 李春 教授
美国德州大学MD Anderson肿瘤中心
时间: 1月21日(周一) 上午10:30
地点: 化四-112报告厅

The challenge of LIB cathode material scale-up
Prof. Josh Thomas
Ångström Advanced Battery Centre (ÅABC)
Department of Chemistry
Uppsala University

报告时间:1月21日(周一) 10:00am
The development of larger, more efficient, cheaper and necessarily “greener” Li-ion batteries (LIBs) for electric vehicle (EV) and stationary energy-storage applications continues to present a pivotal challenge to battery researchers the World over. For example, we have still only come half way towards achieving the USABC gravimetric energy density goal set in 1993(!) of 200 Wh/kg for an EV-battery system. In this context, the absence of an ideal cathode material with a sufficiently high energy-density is arguably the most serious bottleneck. There are several underlying reasons for this; not least, the availability and cost of raw materials. Several millions of tons/year of the chosen active cathode material will be need if we are to achieve our long-term goal of a worldwide transition from ICEs to EVs.
A significant breakthrough came with the development of polyanion-based cathode materials; typically, phosphates and silicates: e.g., LiFePO4 and Li2FeSiO4. These materials are, in principle, expected to be both cheaper (neglecting the economy of the process) and safer than conventional LIB transition-metal oxide cathode materials, such as LiCoO2 and LiMn2O4. A negative feature of these materials is, however, their poor electronic conductivity – a problem which is normally addressed by reducing particle-size into the nano-range and promoting ion conductivity through the use of various particle-surface coatings. Judicious doping strategies, often based on DFT model calculations, are also desirable for these essentially electronically insulating materials. Arguably the most promising cathode materials for large-scale applications involve the Li-M-SiO4 family of silicates, typically Li2FeSiO4. Recent advances in our efforts to address the challenge of scaling up the synthesis of these materials will be reported, giving examples taken from our use of solid-state, solvothermal, precipitation, solution, microwave and combustion methods.
Active Targeting of Anticancer Nanoparticles: Promises and Challenges
李春 教授

美国德州大学MD Anderson肿瘤中心
李春教授,自1993年以来一直在世界最大的肿瘤中心美国德州大学MD Anderson肿瘤中心工作,2006年成为该中心终身教授。先后承担美国NIH和NCI的RO1项目十余项,发表SCI论文130多篇,拥有专利30余项,李春教授在纳米医药、小分子影像探针的合成、细胞凋亡相关分子影像技术等方面有多项产品已经进行了临床转化,部分已完成了三期临床试验,在业内享有盛名。

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