【学术讲座】Electron Catalysis

发布日期:2018-12-31     浏览次数:次   

报告题目:Electron Catalysis

报告人:Armido Studer教授,Institute of Organic Chemistry, Westfälische Wilhelms-University (WWU) Münster, Germany 




In the lecture the concept of using the electron as a catalyst will be discussed.[1,2] It will be shown that the electron is an efficient catalyst for conducting various types of radical cascade reactions that proceed via radical and radical ion intermediates.[3] It will be emphasized how a negative charge can significantly weaken the neighbouring C-H bond and activate this bond towards H-atom transfer.[3e,j] Moreover, the activation of a C-H bond next to a C-radical towards deprotonation is a key point in the field of electron-catalysis. Extending that concept, the use of a negative charge to activate a C-C sigma-bond towards homolysis is also discussed.[3i,k] For example, electron catalyzed transition metal-free b-alkenylation-a-perfluoroalkylation of unactivated alkenes via radical 1,4 or 1,5-alkenyl migration will be presented.

It will be further shown, that readily generated vinyl boron ate complexes, generally used as substrates in the Suzuki-Miyaura coupling, are efficient radical acceptors to conduct electron-catalyzed modular synthesis comprising a radical polar cross over step.[3h] This approach has recently been successfully applied to the development of a novel method for the preparation of highly enantioenriched a-chiral ketones[3l] and new methods for radical borylation are introduced.[3n,o]


[1] A. Studer, D. P. Curran, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201655, 58-102.

[2] A. Studer, D. P. Curran, Nature Chem. 20146, 765-773.

[3] (a) B. Zhang, A. Studer, Org. Lett. 201416, 3990-3993. (b) D. Leifert, A Studer, Org. Lett. 201517, 386-389. (c) M. Hartmann, C. G. Daniliuc, A. Studer, Chem. Commun. 201551, 3121-3123. (d) D. Leifert, D. G. Artiukhin, J. Neugebauer, A. Galstyan, C. A. Strassert, A. Studer, Chem. Commun. 201652, 5997-6000. (e) A. Dewanji, C. Mück-Lichtenfeld, A. Studer, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201655, 6749-6752. (f) J. Xuan, C. G. Daniliuc, A. Studer, Org. Lett. 201618, 6372–6375(h) M. Kischkewitz, K. Okamoto, C. Mück-Lichtenfeld, A. Studer, Science 2017355, 936-938. (i) X. Tang, A. Studer, Chem. Sci. 20178, 6888-6892. (j) T. Hokamp, A. Dewanji, M. Lübbesmeyer, C. Mück-Lichtenfeld, E.-U. Würthwein, A. Studer, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201756, 13275-13278. (k) X. Tang, A. Studer, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201857, 814-817. (l) C. Gerleve, M. Kischkewitz, A. Studer, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201857, 2441-2444. (m) M. Lübbesmeyer, D. Leifert, H. Schäfer, A. Studer, Chem. Commun. 201854, 2240-2243. (n) Y. Cheng, C. Mück-Lichtenfeld, A. Studer, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018140, 6221-6225. (o) Y. Cheng, C. Mück-Lichtenfeld, A. Studer,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201857, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201810782.


Studies ETH Zürich (1987-1992); Ph. D. ETH Zürich (1995, Supervisor: Prof. D. Seebach, asymmetric synthesis); Postdoc Pittsburgh Univ. (1995-1996, Supervisor: Prof. D. P. Curran, fluorous chemistry); Habilitation ETH Zürich (1996-2000, radical chemistry); Associate Prof. Marburg Univ. (2000-2004, radical chemistry in synthesis and in materials science); Full Prof. Münster Univ. (2004-present, radical chemistry, surface chemistry, catalysis).


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