【南强学术讲座】Bioanlaytical chemistry advancing environmental health research

发布日期:2019-05-06     浏览次数:次   

 题 目:Bioanlaytical chemistry advancing environmental health research

报告人:乐晓春 教授,加拿大皇家科学院院士


 时 间:2019年5月6日(周一) 16:30

 地 点:卢嘉锡楼202报告厅



    乐晓春,加拿大皇家科学院院士、加拿大阿尔伯塔大学杰出教授、加拿大生物分析技术和环境健康领域首席科学家。乐晓春教授已在生命分析化学、环境科学、环境毒理与人体健康、基因损伤与修复、纳米材料与新药物等领域发表三百余篇研究论文。先后获得加拿大化学会W.A.E. McBryde Medal奖章、分析化学成就奖、环境化学成就奖,2018年获得阿尔伯塔大学最高奖University Cup。担任Journal of Environmental Sciences主编、Analytical Chemistry副主编、Environmental Health Perspectives副主编,以及Analytical Methods、Metallomics等十多个期刊编委。现任中国侨联第十届委员会海外委员、国务院侨办专家咨询委员会海外委员、中科院、基金委、科技部等机构的海外评审专家或顾问。



    Our lab has been focusing on the development of bioanalytical chemistry for advancing environmental health research, such as DNA damage and repair, identification and determination of arsenic species, and understanding environmental and health effects of arsenic species. We have developed an affinity capillary electrophoresis laser induced fluorescence (CE-LIF) assay, one of the most sensitive techniques (zeptomole detection limit) devised to measure specific DNA base lesions. Using this technique, we revealed important roles played in nucleotide excision repair by DNA wrapping of UvrB protein, which will help gain new insights into human disease processes and better strategies for prevention and treatment of cancers. We also developed highly sensitive techniques for the determination of trace levels of arsenic species which has shown widespread human health effects arising from environmental exposure. These techniques have been circulated by the U.S. Water Research Foundation to its 1,000+ subscribers and are widely used by other arsenic researchers, resulting in a dozen well-recognized epidemiological and toxicological studies. In terms of understanding the molecular mechanisms of arsenic in cancer treatment and drug resistance, we have developed chemical proteomics techniques to capture and identify cellular arsenic-binding proteins that play important roles in arsenic-induced health effects and cancer treatment, including proteins over-expressed in cancer cells, which could be candidate molecular targets for developing arsenic-based therapy. Our studies significantly advanced the knowledge of arsenic exposure and health effects by developing novel assays for arsenic species of diverse toxicities and by studying arsenic metabolism and protein interaction. Our research and expertise have contributed to the decisions made by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Health Canada to lower guideline values for arsenic in drinking water.


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