Organic solvent nanofiltration through a specific carbonaceous barrier containing interpenetrating perfluoro-segments

发布日期:2019-11-04     浏览次数:次   

讲座题目:Organic solvent nanofiltration through a specific carbonaceous barrier containing interpenetrating perfluoro-segments

讲座人:Hong Liang洪亮,National University of Singapore

讲座时间:2019 年 11月7日下午 15:30



Prof. Hong Liang obtained his first PhD degree in the area of organometallic catalysis for the synthesis of natural products under the supervision of Prof. Cai, Qirui from Chemistry Department Xiamen University China. Then he joined the research team of Professor Eli Ruckenstein in Chemical Engineering SUNY Buffalo USA in May 1990 and worked on functional polymer latex and porous media. After obtained PhD in Chemical Engineering, he joined Chemical Engineering NUS as a lecturer in Nov. 1996 and has been an associate professor since 2004. His research activities in NUS have involved several areas including colloids and interfaces, heterogeneous catalysis, electrolyte membranes, and ceramic/carbon membranes for gas and liquid separation, which have resulted publication of 160+ research articles and 10+ US and Singapore patents.

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