【学术报告】Theoretical Approach to Functional System Consisting of Transition Metal Element(s): From Isolated Molecule to Molecular Crystal

发布日期:2019-12-02     浏览次数:次   

报告题目:Theoretical Approach to Functional System Consisting of Transition Metal Element(s): From Isolated Molecule to Molecular Crystal

报告人:Prof. Shigeyoshi Sakaki, 日本京都大学

时间:2019-12-20 15:00



Complex systems consisting of transition metal element(s) are important research targets in modern chemistry. They exhibit various geometries and chemical bonds, which are interesting from the viewpoint of pure chemistry. Also, some of them are useful functional materials such as catalyst, gas adsorbent, and sensing device, which are important from the viewpoint of applied chemistry. The varieties of geometry and chemical bond as well as rich reactivity and useful functions are results of their flexible electronic structure of transition metal element. In this regard, theoretical study by electronic structure calculation is indispensable for fundamental understanding and prediction of their chemistry.


Shigeyoshi Sakaki,生于1946年,于1974年在Kimio Tarama教授的指导下获得了博士学位。2002年到京都大学担任教授。Shigeyoshi Sakaki教授曾担任京都大学福井基础化学研究所所长(2006-2010),J.Compt的主编(2007-2011),日本国家真实系统分子理论项目(2006-2010)负责人。2009年获日本分子科学学会d-电子络合物体系分子科学奖,2014年获日本化学学会过渡金属元素络合物体系几何与反应理论与计算研究奖,2016年获得亚洲福井奖太平洋理论与计算化学家协会(APATCC)对d元素复杂体系理论与计算研究的贡献奖,2019年获日本配位化学学会成果奖。

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